What will my Free Membership give me access to? When you receive your Free Membership, and personal password, you’ll have access to videos, course materials, and advice from guitar master, Neal Grandstaff. Here’s what you’ll learn as a free member. The 5 Primary Chords and 5 Scale Studies which match the Primary Chord Shapes (or forms), Proper Left Hand and Right Hand Technique Studies with Strumming and Travis picking, AND, learning “How to Perform Any Song You Choose”.
What will my Pro Membership give me access to? With the Pro Membership, you get access to the entire world of Guitar Mechanics™ including, more great videos, course materials and, e-books. Advice and evaluations from Neal or, one of our certified on-line Instructor/Coaches, online-in-real-time evaluations via Zoom™. You also get access to 5 Levels of Study, from beginner through intermediate, advanced, and professional levels. The Pro Membership also includes, Play-Along Backing/Guide Tracks to assist you in making those Milestones & Outcomes goals set forth in the Study Guide. For more details, visit the pro-membership product section.
Do you teach private lessons? Yes, we teach live-online lessons using Zoom™. Purchase an online lesson in the products section and, we will arrange a time to meet with you online. If you live in or near Portland Oregon we offer private lessons to intermediate, advanced, and pro students. We keep a schedule for individual one-on-one lessons, at a location of your choosing. So, contact us for more details.
How often do you add new content to the Pro Membership section? We add new content monthly, which may include a special lesson or masterclass, an artist interview, or pictures of cats. ; >)
Will I really learn to play the guitar, and how long will it take? In order for you to become a player, at any level, it requires your full engagement and, with this full engagement we guarantee, by following the Milestones & Outcomes section outlined for you in this link, and demonstrating you’ve attained these milestones during your live-online evaluations, you will receive a “Certificate of Completion”, for the level that you set, for yourself, with your coach.
Questions?!? I have so many questions....I don't even know what to ask. We feel ya! Most of the questions you have can be addressed at your leisure by, browsing, listening to, viewing, and following the videos in our Free Members section. You can also, take a few moments and join us by reading our Study Guide and Milestones & Outcomes page, located in the “Guitar Mechanics™ Academy Network” Institute (G.M.A.N. Institute section) HERE. This way you will have a better sense of your journey and, your destination.
Do you offer a money back guarantee on your products and memberships? Yes. All the details can be found on our GMAN Institute page....HERE.
What is an online evaluation? It's a one-on one, live on-line Zoom™ meeting. We use this approach for answering questions, testing your skill sets, reporting your outcomes and setting new milestones. Think of it as a mini lesson.
What if I just want to learn a couple of songs to impress someone really close to me or… a group of people that are really important in my life or……. I just want to catch up with my other friends who are starting to learn to play music? Of course : ) That's what we're here for. Get a live on-line via Zoom™ evaluation with us right away. We've designed our method to help all levels of players from the novice to the pro. Learning the guitar can be a lot of fun. And while other methods would teach you a single song, we will teach you to play (in the same amount of time as those “one-song-at-a-time” “methods”) whatever song you want to play, as many songs as you want to play, whenever you want to play them. You’ll feel the confidence that comes from learning a real skill set, in a way that’s designed to work best for you; the “Real Method”, the Guitar Mechanics™ Method. The guitar can be a great social lever. When you learn through Guitar Mechanics™, you become part of a larger community of family and friends, enjoying music together. It’s quite compelling. And like anything that's valuable or worthwhile, it takes some time, but you'll find, with Guitar Mechanics™, the time will melt away, and you will be playing sooner than you ever thought possible. No other method can make this claim.